Complete the membership form below.
Memberships are effective June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025
Becoming a member of Healthy Charlotte Alliance is not only a philanthropic investment in our vital mission, but you will also receive discounts on programs and events.
Please consider an Angel donation and/or scholarship to support another.
Investing Member
$500 | $750 per couple
($400 | $550 tax deductible)
- Vote on final slate of grant recommendations*
- Discounted admission to the Annual Meeting*
- Invitation to complimentary Legacy Society & Investing Members event*
- Discounts on lunch & learns and other programs
- Recognition as “Investing Member” on website, e-newsletters, Annual Report, at Annual Meeting and Community Health Classroom
*Two per couple
Supporting Member
$150 | $250 per couple
($150 | $250 tax deductible)
- Discounts on lunch & learns and other programs
- Recognition as a “Supporting Member” on website, e-newsletters, Annual Report, at Annual Meeting and Community Health Classroom
Young Professional
$75 | $125 per couple
(Eligible if < 41 years old)
($75 | $125 tax deductible)
- Discounts on lunch & learns and other programs
- Recognition as a “YP Member” on website, e-newsletters, Annual Report, at Annual Meeting and Community Health Classroom
Emeritus Member
(Eligible if member since 1970)
($50 tax deductible)
- Discounts on lunch & learns and other programs
- Recognition as an “Emeritus Member” on website, e-newsletters, Annual Report, at Annual Meeting and Community Health Classroom
Investing Member
(approx $475 tax deductible)
- Vote on final slate of grant recommendations
- Complimentary admission to the Annual Meeting
- Discounts on lunch & learns and other programs
- Recognition as “Investing Member” on website, Annual Report, at Annual Meeting and Community Health Classroom
Supporting Member
($150 tax deductible)
- Discounts on lunch & learns and other programs
- Recognition as a “Supporting Member” on website, Annual Report, at Annual Meeting and Community Health Classroom
(Available through Dec 2019)
($100 tax deductible)
- Invitations to lunch & learns and other programs
- Recognition as a “Member” on website, Annual Report, at Annual Meeting and Community Health Classroom
Young Professional
(Eligible if under 30 years old)
($75 tax deductible)
- Discounts on lunch & learns and other programs
- Recognition as a “YP Member” on website, Annual Report, at Annual Meeting and Community Health Classroom
Emeritus Member
(Eligible for members since 1969)
($50 tax deductible)
- Discounts to lunch & learns and other programs
- Recognition as an “Emeritus Member” on website, Annual Report, at Annual Meeting and Community Health Classroom